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The Marrying Kind (June 3, 2010)

I have an apology to make. I’ve been planning this series, like all of them, for years, and believe me, I thought I had a copy of the movie we advertised, It Should Happen To You, which is a 1954 comedy with Judy Holliday and Jack Lemmon, directed by George Cukor, with a script by Garson Kanin and Ruth Gordon. Last night I went to look for it, and guess what? I don’t own a copy of It Should Happen To You. Too bad, it’s a great movie. It’s fun, and Holliday and the young Lemmon together are great.
But, don’t worry, we are going to see something. It does fit into the Boy Meets Girl theme, and most of the same artists were involved. It is The Marrying Kind, a 1952 comedy with a darker side. It stars Judy Holliday and Aldo Ray. It was also directed by George Cukor, who discovered Holliday, brought her to the screen in a supporting role in Adam’s Rib (1948) and then directed her in her first starring role in Born Yesterday (1950), a role for which Holliday won the best actress Oscar. And it was also written by Kanin and Gordon. It was Holliday’s first film after Born Yesterday, and Ray’s first leading role, though his breakthrough role would come slightly later, when he supported Hepburn and Tracy in Pat and Mike, released several months later. Ray was a constable in Crockett, California, before finding his place in pictures.

Bosley Crowther in the New York Times of the time wrote, “Naturally, everybody is eagerly anxious to know how well Miss Holliday's performance stands up with her one in Born Yesterday. Have no dread on that score. Her portrayal of an average New York girl—a girl who makes her marriage resolution, "I'm gonna think a half-hour every day," to the utter bewilderment of her mother, who wants to know what she's going to think about—is beautifully textured and colored with expressions, modulations of voice and a good bit more outgive of emotion than was evident in her other role. But the big surprise of this picture is the talent of Mr. Ray in presenting a richly appealing and naturally complicated young man. Not handsome but sturdy in appearance, and possessed of a melting, husky voice, he has a gift for flowing humor and straight-faced pathos that is almost beyond belief. His winning performance as the husband is a great factor in this film.”

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the film I forgot to schedule tonight, The Marrying Kind.