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The Churchman

Spring can push the organism into some acts, that in other seasons are unknown to it. Many a treatise on natural history is full of descriptions of this phenomenon among animals.  It would be of more plausible interest to collect some of the alterations brought on by the climacteric moment in the lives of those individuals dedicated to spirituality!  Abandoned badly by winter’s irony, I carried away, for myself, a state so unmistakable that it could not be substituted for an absolute or naïve naturalism, able to pursue enjoyment in the identification of several kinds of plants.  Nothing in the actual case provides any benefits to the crowd. I stole away to reflect on it, under some shadows that surrounded the city yesterday. Gold was their mystery, almost commonplace as I displayed a perceptible and striking example of some inspirations of spring. 

Cheers were heard for a little while, in a little frequented corner of the Bois de Boulogne. Imagine my surprise when I saw dark low agitation, through the thousand spaces through the good shrubs that hid nothing, the net result was -- some loud drumbeats of a tricorn hat come to life -- until I saw, the shoes strengthened by silver buckles, a churchman, away from witnesses, responding to the solicitations of the lawn.  Nothing similar served the designs of providence. I didn’t want to be equally guilty of being falsely scandalized and tossing a pebble from the road. I brought to my smile the same intelligence, a reddening of the face with both hands covering it, that this poor man would show, if he were without doubt discovered in his solitary exercise.  To quickly pass, I had to still my voice, in order to not produce distraction by my presence. I strongly resisted the temptation of looking backward, imagining myself in spirit having this almost diabolical appearance, that continued to strain the renewal of his ribs, to the right, to the left, and to the belly, obtaining a chaste frenzy.  Everything, rubbing and throwing his limbs, rolling, sliding, resulted in a satisfaction, and he stopped, forbidden as if he were some tall flower stalk with black calves, this distinctive costume worn with the appearance that is in and of itself his wife.  Loneliness, cold silence scattered in the greenery, perceived by some senses more subtle than disturbed. You knew the furious flapping of fabric, as if the night hidden in its folds finally emerged shaken!  And the deaf crashes against the ground were those of a rejuvenated skeleton; but the fanatic had to stop for you to contemplate it.  Hilariously, that was enough in itself to seek the cause of a pleasure or perhaps a duty, which poorly explained a reversion, on a lawn, to the antics of a seminarian.  The influence of a spring breeze sweetly expanded the unchanging texts inscribed in his flesh. He also encouraged this agreeable embarrassment to his sterile thought and became familiar again with a contact with nature, immediate, sharp, violent, positive, denuded of all intellectual curiosity, the general well-being, and candidly, far from the obedience and the constraint of his occupation, the rules, the prohibitions, the censures, he rolled in the bliss of his native simplicity, happier than a donkey.  That the goal of his walk, met, whatsoever, right and a stream, pointed but not without shaking his pistils and wiping the juices attached to his person, the hero of my vision returned, unnoticed in the crowd and in the habits of his ministry. I would dream of denying anything, but I have the right not to consider this.  My discretion, vis-à-vis these frolics first appeared. It had no recompense, except to fix forever, not as a passing dream would bring it to completion, this image marked with a mysterious seal of modernity, at once both baroque and beautiful.