Counselled by sleep, we cross the day's transom
Trade its lighted hours for ones we ransom
Chambers dark when we leave, dark at return
The skyline orange fimbriated, handsome
For a world that doesn't care what we earn.
Down these roads speed a thousand brushing cars
Each one heedless of the fading of the stars.
Sable night enfolds us, then unravels
The sun and the drivers begin their travels
The world has planted a seed, the dawn.
Unnoticed, not the least of its marvels
Is light shining through droplets on the lawn.
Morning rays flood the fields suddenly
Outlining the day that will be.
We drive on, follow familiar ways
Minds caught by radios, thoughts of the day's
Occupations, what we do pushes aside
The sun fully borne over the blue haze.
Then this absorption yields to the light outside
As the city emerges, more real,
We become aligned with what we see and feel
26:VI:85 |