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from Patricia Audett, June 27, 1942

Sat June 27/42

Dear Buddy,

Thought I'd tell you how cute the pooch picture was.  He looks like his ears have a permanent.  It's a nice day today.  The first one all week.  In your letter you said Mom & Pop probably had a few differences when moving.  You ain't kidding!  The roses are all out now & they're very pretty.  I trimmed the rose bush this week.  In Brother's letter, he didn't say hello to Buck, it was Bud + Bud is you.  I intended to send a translation with his letter but didn't get around to it.  I'm the only one who can read his letters around here.  Have you written to him yet?  I'm going swimming tonite because there's a full moon & it's awful warm & I like to swim at nite.  I work in the garden for 25 cents an hr.  I think I'm getting gyped.  Am I?  Well this is all for now til later

Love, Patsy

Brother is Walter J. Overend (1920-2005), Patsy and Bud's cousin, who was in the RAF at this time.